6 Tips for Navigating Body Image Convos... when you feel like crap about your own body

You really want to get good at this body image stuff with your clients... but your own body image is holding you back. (FYI, this is totally normal)

Feeling like an imposter when it comes to body image conversations? I've got you!

Start helping more clients today by learning a few easy tips that will help you feel like a confident ROCKSTAR RD! AND...support your own body image healing along the way.

Let's work together to make you more confident in your body image counseling skills. ('Cause let's be honest, you never learned this in school!)

  • Are you a newbie or seasoned dietitian who feels that they can't talk about body image because, let's face it, you're own body image kinda sucks? (No judgement, totally OK?)
  • Do you feel discomfort when a client brings up body image in their session and you're all "what the HECK do I do now"?
  • Do you ever feel like an imposter because you are helping your clients heal their relationship with food/body but you're still on the struggle bus?
  • Do you want to become a kick ass RD who increases body image skills and knowledge, client satisfaction AND retention...and maybe add some tools to your own toolbox as well?

Of course you do cause you're a bitchin' RD!

Hi, I'm Amanda Mittman, an RD and Body Image Coach and I used to answer yes to all those questions before I started my journey to becoming a bitchin' body image dietitian. Download my guide today and I will teach you how you can be one too!

Start Helping Your Clients Navigate Their Body Image Today

This guide will give you the confidence that you--yes, YOU-- can talk about body image with your clients...even if you don't feel completely ready!

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